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Time tracking

You've got to make sure every minute counts… and can be counted. Which clients are good to you, and which abuse your time? Where did all that time go? And did you actually bill your client for all the time actually worked?
You need just one click to start measuring time spent on your projects and tasks.

1) Check the "Time tracking" option at the workspace settings screen. The "Time tracking" tab will appear on the menu.

Time tracking 1

2) A clock icon will appear next to all notes. By clicking the icon you can log and categorize the hours spent on any activity.

Time tracking 2

3) When you create a To-do list, check the "Time tracking" option.

Time tracking 3

Now you can enter how much time has been spent on each task.

Time tracking 4


Click "Time" on the menu. From here you can see, edit and delete entries, use filters and export to excel files.

Time tracking 5

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