About Team Pad

The widespread of many Enerprise Social Networks (ESN) have introduced a new communication paradigms. There is a better way than email (or complicated, bloated with features software tools), to find the info you need, to stay connected with your colleagues and to know more about what is going on.

Team-pad is about creating a vibrant network of information sharing

with privacy and security for a work group. It's about providing access to the people, knowledge and resources when needed.

With microblogging inside Team-pad, someone can publish short messages or updates of two to three sentences. It's about sharing status, documents, knowledge and ideas among individuals and work groups.

Microblogging is also built around contacts and tasks making it easy to manage customer relationships and projects in a consistent way. Team-pad gives you one place to see the story of a client or vendor case or a project that spans a few days or several months. All these stories are separated inside workspaces, giving access only to people who is involved and authorized.

Our future plans are to enrich the type of content posted on an activity stream. We are working in the direction of making content more structured and user defined.

We try to keep things simple

Nothing to install, no servers, no computer experts required. After all, the whole point of software is to make your life easier.

Business IT Excellence (BITE) Awards 2013

Team-pad was ranked at the first place in the IT & Telecommunications sector at the Business IT Excellence Awards 2013 under the category "New Product".

Made in Greece Awards 2013

Team-pad was awarded with an honorable distinction in the category "Technological Excellence" of the "Made in Greece Awards 2013" organized by the Greek Marketing Academy.

The main purpose of the Made in Greece awards is to nominate and reward companies and producer organizations that produce or manufacture products in Greece and create significant added value to the Greek economy.
122 companies participated in all of the awards’ categories and the evaluation committees were made up of university professors, members of the Greek Marketing Academy as well as representatives of the many companies and organizations that support the “Made in Greece” awards.

Team-pad is a service provided by Unique Com

A software development company located in Thessaloniki, Greece. Our team has many years of experience in making software, solving problems for small and big corporations.

Your comments, suggestions, and ideas for improvements are always welcome! Drop us an email at: 'info (at) uniquecom dot gr'.