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Ways to communicate in Team-pad, without touching email:

Send notifications about new notes

1) Click the envelope icon next to a note.

Notifications 1

2) Select the users that you want to notify via email or within Team Pad. Include an optional message.

Notifications 2

3) Notifications in Team Pad will show up on the menu bar in red color.

Notifications 3

Notifications 4

4) If you've checked the email option, users will get an email with the note and all comments.

Notifications 5

Messages through notifications are private, not visible to other users.

Send notifications about new To-do lists

Select the To-to list and click on the "Notify People" link.

Notifications 6

Send a private message to one or more users in your workspace

At the top on the menu bar, click the envelope icon and then click "Send a message"

Notifications 7

Click on the "Sent" link to check if a message has been read.

Notifications 8